Welcome all to Replica Factory Official Weblog
It has been dragging for a month of the 'official website' construction process since it was hacked.
We were in a wrong direction that we kept revising the contents of website for the next 6 years, while suffering with the awkward shopping cart and the email-loosing webmail.
From the bottom of our hearts, we do not like the basic nature of a website -- it is too informative, self-centered and isolated. Although there are many functions/tools/flash stuffs that might make it closer to the customers, we see those are too boring, fancy and inconvenient.
We have been thinking a way that we can have more interactions with our customers. With their inspirations, we know better about what they REALLY love and dream of.
So we finally decided to have a simple weblog to face directly to our customers.
You have something to share with us, we listen to you, in this plain and simple way. You want to hear our experience on the process of reflecting their thoughts into our products, we will share with you. You have feedbacks about our products, we treat those as treasures. We have new products every week and we can launch much much faster than before.
Links of our products are listed on the right hand side.
For inquiry on quotation and additional pictures, please send message to replicafactory@gmail.com; or leave a message here.
This weblog is for our customers, interacting with us directly.
Welcome again and hopefully you like hanging around here.